Thursday, August 27, 2009

what stays

When the storm is close enough to smell and the winds are cranking it up so hard you can actually hear them scream, stop time and marvel at what's rooted at your feet.
There's beauty in what won't blow away, no matter how bad it gets.

Friday, August 21, 2009

In the beginning....

....was the word...
That line got stuck in my head at an early age.
It was what I would type whenever I tried out typewriters, keyboards or warmed up my fingers before moving on to something more original.
Today's word is Tupelo, as in honey from trees that thrive along the creeks and rivers of the Florida Panhandle. From the Creek words for swamp (opilwa) and tree (ito). (Also Mississippi birthplace of Elvis, preferred sweet of Morrison, gold of Ulee.)
Roadside sign not far from St. Marks said it best.