Happy 12th day of Christmas, Little Christmas, feast of Epiphany.
The word always makes me think of James Joyce, who called it the "revelation of the whatness of a thing," the moment when "the soul of the commonest object ... seems to us radiant."
Lately, some of my brightest a-ha moments have reminded me of Yogi Berra.
Just when the flash of insight burns brightest, a tickle around the edges seems to feel strangely familiar, until I realize -- say, wait just a minute! -- that it's one I've had before.
An epiphany deja vu.
At first I worried it was a sign of dwindling memory, a hint of the creep of Old Age. Now I think it's just the circular nature of big lessons. You can't always Get It from a straight-line POW! Sometimes wisdom eddies around you, maybe in smaller and smaller circles, until you really Get It. Or, at least until the next one flickers around the bend.
Glad I found your blog, thanks to FB. Love "the circular nature of big lessons." And your jewelry!