Monday, February 15, 2010

connecting the dots

so we went to the beach with piles of art supplies, notebooks, whatever was in our distinct piles of Stuff We're Working On and claimed the gift of time and space and no distractions. piled the dining room table with as many paints and pencils, crayons and cool supplies as would fit and each claimed one end of the table that looked out through two picture windows over the atlantic. then we unplugged from the cycle of time that usually runs our lives: what has to be done by when, and for whom; where do we have to be; what must be finished by when -- and dove into the Yet to Be Seen in front of us. we'd both fallen way behind in the fabulous "Inside Out" e-course we'd joined, and though neither was panicked over it -- we really did understand where ever we were in the process was where we were meant to be -- we jumped at a chance to claim a boundless sea of hours to play in.
and between the wee-hours of monday morning drive down and the rain-clogged and then snow-stormed drive back friday, we packed in days upon days of writing, drawing, walking, talking, music, making connections, a-ha moments and serious deepening of all the laugh lines we've earned thus far in our lives. oh -- and rediscovered the singular pop wonderfulness of lou christie videos on youtube.
pulling away from what you know to find what only you can discover reminds you why you forge ahead on the path of mapless exploration, past the scary parts, the dead ends, the roadblocks.
what you find along the way is priceless beyond measure.


  1. Five days well spent. Five days I'll treasure forever.
    Congratulations to us for sticking to our intentions!

  2. what an amazing friendship the two of you have. i'm adding "going on an art retreat with my best friend" on my top 25. blessings to you. and...i just love your writing, eileen. thank you for sharing...

  3. Eileen, I'm seriously jealous! Not only space & time to dive in, but someone to share it with, too... Your retreat sounds amazing, & I love the bit about deepening the laugh lines (isn't it so important not to take yourself too seriously all the time?) :)

  4. blessings and thanks back shannon -- i salute yr addition to the top 25 (i forgot to note that jen helped me knock one of my top 25 -- "walk a labyrinth" off my list while we were in fla!
    yvonne -- you know it. a good set of laugh lines says SO much!!
