Thursday, February 18, 2010

on the record

i'll be writing more about this topic in coming weeks, but for now just posting a quick note about some very cool work being done on behalf of adoptees' rights to their original birth certificates, family and medical history.
there is no other segment of the population that is denied its history, or its legal records. the old reasons for "sealing records" -- and there is lots of debate about who it was originally done to "protect" -- don't hold any longer.
this is the age of free information. you can get passenger ship lists online at you can view the social security death index, online. you can find photos of your great grand-mother, online.
everyone has a right to know where they came from, and who they came from and what their true historic and genetic ancestry is.
here's a youtube video done by the lovely and talented zara phillips and darryl mcdaniels (of run dmc), both of whom are adopted, that says it all.


  1. Big thumbs up on this.
    Everyone: Please take a look!

  2. Beautiful song... And definitely a thought-provoking subject...
